Podcast on Windermere & Water Quality with UKCEH

The UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH) invited me to contribute my initial research findings on the socio-cultural relationships between outdoor swimming and environmental health at Windermere on their new podcast, ‘Counting the Earth’.

The podcast is titled, ‘A Deep Dive into Windermere’. It includes interviews with freshwater scientists at UKCEH, Eleanor Mackay and Heather Moorhouse, on long-term monitoring and ecological changes at Windermere – and myself about the growing practice and tensions of outdoor swimming in this iconic body of water. Sue Nelson (Boffin Media) and Alice Hope (UKCEH) led the interviews, and Rachael Buchanan produced the podcast.

Thank you to UKCEH for inviting me. You can listen and find the link to the podcast below.

Counting the Earth podcast Windermere

Author: Taylor Butler-Eldridge | Published: 3 July 2024

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